Saturday 16 May 2015

Beauty Tip (face wash)

This is probably the best face wash I can recommend to anyone. If you have spots or acne, like me,  this is definitely something I would recommend. I love this face wash so much. Within two weeks of me using it, it's got rid off most of my spots. So if you've tried  everything to get rid of spots or acne, give this a go. It's the best face wash I could recommend. For best results, use this every day and  night. 

Usually, most people buy the moisturizer too as it contains the same natural ingredients to get  rid off your spots and also after you wash your face, your skin becomes really dry so you basically have to have the moisturizer. 

These products aren't  very commonly available in stores. They may be in the Body Shop, but when I got mine, I ordered it online. So it may possibly be available there, if not order online.

Hope this helped you : ) x

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